Wisdom (Metaphysics) Esoterism and Occultism Education

Our education aims to learn theoretical and practical subjects such as Metaphysics, Esotericism, Occultism, Parapsychology, Maji and Mediumship. It transforms into experience in everyday life.

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Metaphysics Education

Metaphysical education is the history of human consciousness. This is a very sublime transcendental knowledge. The positive sciences are the history of metaphysics. The modern sciences are like bread crumbs.

The occult sciences largely, if not completely, exclude the modern sciences, but the main thing is that there is a very strong EZOTERISM behind today’s modern physics and modern mathematics! Also Carl Gustav Jung in the RED BOOK even placed metaphysics in rational intelligence. The Overmind.

About Education

This education is a legacy to the humanity developing with the digital world. It is an intellectual capital that is not devoid of real quality, not devoid of quantity. It is a gift to the souls who are in pursuit of the truth and have suffered for it

This education means Evolvement. For some, it is a preparation for the realisation, for others it is a leap of realisation.

And what does it mean?

It means both spiritual and biological evolution. Maturation means becoming a perfect human being.(Masnavi – İnsan-ı Kamil)